Second edition in this section
The content presented and produced during the THF! broadly fits into three main themes: Embodied Theory, Performative Tactics and Liberating Technologies. In the following section you will find a copy of rough notes taken by participants during the encounter. Those notes have not been clean up, however we believe they bring useful information and many interesting links for the people interested in going more in deep in relation to certain topics.
Embodied Theory
This stream of the program refers to the activities where content and theories were embodied by the participants. Embodied theories are theories that are lived and experienced. They emerge from the ground up; from activists’ particular experiences and/or positionality. Embodied standpoint theories aim at reconfiguring theories by limiting and reducing the existence of binaries, particularly the distinction between researchers and activists, and theory and practice. For the THF! embodied theories was about the extent to which activists can be living embodiments of a chosen theoretical or hermeneutical path. It was about trying to find answers to the following questions: How does embodied knowledge shape us in terms of social interaction, perception, subjectivities, etc? What do embodied theories do to us? Does embodied theory come to be through practices and/or the belief in a theoretical framework? The following presentations and discussions explored those questions:
- Hacking Gender Construction
- Que es genitalismo?/What Is Genitalism?
- Anarchagland
- Hacking Acadamia
- Los tullidxs están buenos, son transmaricabolleros y follan/ Crips are hot, queer and they fuck
- Cyborg Romanticism
- Hacking the baybe
Performative Tactics
This stream of the program refers to the tactics that are being used by the participants to circumvent political, economic, social and/or cultural barriers through performances. Performative tactics are actions, practices and/or projects that activists undertake to raise consciousness, bring political issues to the fore, prefigure the world they want to live in, and reframe or disrupt dominant narratives in creative ways. These tactics are performative in the sense of committing an action and possessing agency. The performative tactics undertaken at THF! took shape through the following presentations, lived projects and/or discussions:
Liberating Technologies
- GYNEpunk: Autonomous ginecologyLAB + Del EM, sistema de extracción menstrual / Menstrual extraction systemy
- Primero Auxilios en Caso aborto y Derrame / First Aid in case of abortion
- Seguridad digital/Digital Security
- Satellite Fishing/Pescando satélites
- Cómo jugar en tu ordenador y no cargarte el sistema / How to play in your computer without knocking off the system
- R_R/R Radio Ramona and Ruelles
- Taller de teatro de la emancipación / Theatre of the Emancipation Workshop
- Taller de Recreación feminista, hackeando vídeos de internet / Feminist Recreation Workshop, hacking videos from the Internet
- Armas de Destrucción de Misa: diseño en Gimp y HotGlue / Mass Destruction Weapons: Gimp and HotGlue Workshop
- UpStage, plataforma de codigo abierto para cyberperformaces/Upstage, open source platform for cyberperformance
- Open Street Map Mapping Party